Julien Geoffrion - ELITE of the MONTH

We are SO excited to announce our very first ELITE OF THE MONTH, Julien Geoffrion (IG @jugeoff)! We’ll be hi-lighting one of our many ELITE Affiliates every month and diving into the very BEST part of Revive! This first one is extra special, as Julien will actually be joining the ranks of the Revive ATHLETES for his hard work and dedication to the brand. As a HUGE thank you for being the leader in commissions, Julien will also be receiving an all-inclusive Caribbean trip for 2 in 2020! How amazing is that?

As an Elite Affiliate, you’re given the opportunity to represent one of the fastest-growing brands around, getting first access to new products, special deals, and VIP access, and of course sales commissions from your very own affiliate code. For more information on the ELITE program click here.

Julien Geoffrion - Matt Jansen - Revive Elite

From Revive owners Domenic Iacovone & Matt Jansen, 

“Dom and I just want to personally thank Julien for his efforts and all that he has done for Revive MD since Joining the Elite team. It is very important to both of us that we have people associated with the brand that are passionate about health and want to join alongside us in what we are building. This to us is so much more than adding another athlete, a sale or another discount code. We want to create a team of individuals that are truly excited about what we are doing and want to join us in our efforts moving forward. Because of Julien's work we are going to be adding him onto the Revive MD signed athlete team for the year of 2020!“

We interviewed Julien Geoffrion to learn a bit more about him!

Julien Geoffrion - Elite of the Month - Revive MD

Q: Tell us a little about yourself! (where you're from, what you do, etc.)

A: My name is Julien Geoffrion (but Julian for all you English people haha). I'm a french Canadian born and raised in Montreal. I'm 32 years old and living with my girlfriend and my 3 dogs (2 American bullies and one King Charles spaniel) in my condo. I graduated from business school (university degree) when I was 23 years old and was, at the time, working as a sales rep for what was, at the time, Quebec's leading gym "chain". 

After a few years working there as a gym manager and in sales development for the whole chain (they had 35 gyms at the time). I decided to quit and start working for myself, as a personal trainer. I rented an office in a private gym and was doing 1 on 1 training and consults but I was my own boss. 

For the past 5 years, I've been working as a coach full time and just recently moved my business completely online. I'm also a bodybuilding competitor and did my first show back in 2012. 

Julien Geoffrion

Q: How did you find out about Revive Sups?

A: For a bit over a year I have been working with Matt Jansen. I had been coach by John Meadows before (for 6 years) but felt that Matt's thinking and passion for bodybuilding were more in line with my current goals (nothing against John and we are on good terms). 

When I start working with a coach, it's because I put 100% of my trust in them. So obviously as soon as the company was launched I was made aware.

How does Revive fit into your day-to-day?

I think for any competing bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast Revive should have a place in the daily routine. Being both a competitor AND a coach, it is important for me that both my athletes and myself stay healthy.

Bodybuilding/Fitness can be very rewarding, but also very unforgiving... and I don't want the latter to happen to either myself or my clients. Nobody wants a bad quality of life but sometimes people don't realize how much they can "screw themselves up" or already have and ignorance is bliss in a lot of these cases.

I feel like Revive allows me to bring awareness to the potential health problems but also the tools to fix most of these potential problems.

As a Revive ELITE Ambassador, what are your goals for 2020?

If we're talking about myself as an individual here, my goals for 2020 are pretty much revolving around my training business. As a coach, I want to have at least one client turning pro in 2020 and also start coaching more and more people outside of just Canada.

As far as my goals with Revive are concerned, I want to help raise even more awareness towards the brand and be able to help those people from Quebec that do not speak English understand the use of these products.

While I obviously can't force people to buy certain products, I also want to make sure that all my competing clients are getting the minimum "health support" needed and would love to eventually have my own "stack" available for sale ;)

Julien Geoffrion

What are your favorite Revive products?

My favorites are definitely Inflammation RX, Bergamot and Digest Aid. I feel like Inflammation RX makes me feel so much better overall and digest aid makes all my meal digest super easily which has not always been the case in the past even when using digestive enzymes.

As far as Bergamot is concerned, I have a history of bad cholesterol in my family and this product has been awesome toward keeping my LDL in check thus far. I'm using a lot more than just those 3 products but if I had to pick I'd probably keep those 3 in first.

Is there anything you'd like to share or motivate the Revive Fam with?

Yes! First off, do not feel like you guys are "pushing sales" when making posts or stories via Instagram as really what you are pushing is health here. If you truly believe in the quality of the products it shouldn't be hard.

On the other hand, make sure you don't try to "sell" stuff people don't need. Being upfront and transparent is usually the best way for people to trust your judgment. Let people in on how you use the premium health supplements you use and why you're using it and you will reap the reward from that and your followers will too.

Stay tuned for our next ELITE of the Month!

Follow Julien on IG at @jugeoff

We are so excited to be jumping into 2020 full-force. If you’re interested in becoming a REVIVE ELITE Affiliate now is the time! For more information click here.


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